One day, on the way home, my journey took an interesting turn when, in a flower bed full of artificial garbage, I stumbled upon a dead bird. I traveled to city yards, parks, junkyards, and zoos, collecting natural remains juxtaposed with human remains. Birds with peacocks locked up, birds trapped in their lives by human waste, nests mixed with artificial materials, and so on. This encounter caused me to think about nature, nature human beings, and human relations.
At the same time, I investigated the bird elements and female costumes in the art nouveau period, which made me explore the decorative nature of female identity then. My investigation into bird elements and women's fashion during the Art Nouveau period led me to explore the decorative nature of female identity. Reflecting on the societal environment, I began contemplating the position of women, particularly in the context of East Asia. Are women's identities akin to small gardens, flowerbeds, or peacocks in the urban landscape? The subconscious perception of women's beauty and charm in society remains unchanged, often seen as accessories to men, a form of societal decoration. I have explored the dilemma of women's ornamentation with the trapped bird using weaving, twisting, coating, and weaving techniques. I have also attempted to examine and study the plight of birds and females in the predicament and chaos of natural society.